Sunday, March 22, 2009

my current addiction...

aaaah I feel so guilty! again, my Korean mode is totally on. it's a (hmm what should I call it? hiphop music group? cause they're definitely not a boyband like the others!) Korean group named Big Bang. and I just love the man on the far left, his name is G-Dragon (btw, his real name is Kwon Ji-Yong haha). he's the leader (yeah, the leader) and the rapper of this group. don't know why, but his smile just melts me hehehe :D what I hate the most about Korean music is the catchy tune & dance moves (plus cool sneakers, I wanna have'em aaaaaall so bad). it just keeps replaying in my head. oh gosh Monik please stop this already!


  1. BIG BAAAAAAAAAANGG HAHAHAHAH tenang gue jg suka koooookk

  2. monik inget gue? OHMYGOOOOOD! jangan bilang lo suka bigbang juga!

  3. inget dooong. iya Pun hehe suka banget, lo juga kan? :D

  4. iya dooong. haha. gue kaget lho ternyata makin banyak yang suka bigbang. haha

  5. bagus dooong ayo kita sebarin virus Big Bang! hahaha
