Wednesday, May 20, 2009

heeey it's been a long time since the last update! dari kmrn gw lg keranjingan Polyvore (maklum baru bikin hehe) berasa berduit deh gw, kesannya pas ngesave2 items kyk ngebeli :p

kmrn gw baru nonton Night at The Museum 2. lumayanlah lucu, dibanding yg pertama. enath knp pas gw nonton yg pertama gw boseeeeen bgt, atau selera humor rendah mungkin? haha soalnya kmrn jg pas nonton gw sering ketawa di bagian kebnykan orang ga ketawa. banyak karakter2 yg lucu kyk Einstein bobbleheads, si monyet capuchin Able, 3 singing angels (oh the name is cherub!and they're actually voiced by Jonas brothers haha so that's why they're so cheesy), sama balon anjing gede yg suka lari2 di background. oh i wish i have the images of it! you should go watch for yourself, it's a good all-age movie.

UAS sebentar lagi! kelas 3 udah di dpn mata nih. dulu aja giliran masih kelas 1 pgnnya cepet2 kelas 3, sekarang pas udh mau kelas 3 malah nggak mauuuu. please please please wish my luck!

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