Sunday, June 21, 2009

say goodbye Mr.Panda

I'm gonna miss him soooooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad :'(

Friday, June 19, 2009

my current addiction... part II

this time is 2PM. it's a 7-member group that has awesome dancing skills (they sometimes do acrobatics too :D) and lovable goofy personalities. my favorite? ah it's too hard to choose, but it's between the 2 guys on the right, 1 guy on the left and the guy in plaid suit

p.s: I think I'm gonna keep making posts like this, so there'll be 'my curent addiction...part III' soon :)


alone in my bude's office, cause I have to wait for her to finish her meeting. fortunately I get to play the computer, but unfortunately the internet didn't allow me to open Youtube & Facebook :( huuuh kinda bored to death right here, so here I am updating my blog again! (finally)

quiet sorroundings makes me think of ballad songs haha and that inspires me to make a list of "male singers who can bring more joy on my wedding party", here's my pick:

1. Mike Mohede
physically resembles a papa bear (which is cute, warm, and huggable :D), I already met him in
person and took a picture with him, and his effortless singing ability is loooooveeeeee <3
favorite performance: when he sings Cinta 'Kan Membawamu Kembali

2. Chris Daughtry
my favorite American Idol ever! no one beats him! he can definitely light up the mood by
singing rock and calm it down by singing ballad
favorite performance: here

3. K.Will
I think he's a bit underrated in Korea, fans love idol groups more than 'true artists'. His song,
Tears Are Dropping has successfully made me cry, who wouldn't like to cry tears of joy on
his/her own wedding? haha
favorite performance: here (love the stage, it's so Alice In Wonderland)

4. Super Junior's Kyuhyun
aaaahh his voice always makes me think that 'how can this world be so wonderful and peaceful'
sorry, I'm exaggerating too much :p
favorite performance: here and here (btw, he's the first one to sing, never mind the other 2 hehe)

5. SHINee's Onew
his voice is as soft as tofu, plus he has a nice smile :)
my favorite performance: here

3 out of 5 are Koreans, oh well I'm a K-Geek. Imagine all of them singing at my wedding party, I think I would forgot that I'm going to marry my husband hehe

Monday, June 1, 2009

my ultimate dream job

1. kerja di semacam CSI
apa ya nama pekerjaannya? criminologist maybe? ga tau deh. ini sih gara2 gw suka nonton CSI, jd terpengaruh hehe. seru aja liatnya, ngumpul2in bukti kyk ngambil sidik jari/DNA, nyelidikin hal2 kecil yg bisa jd penting. pengen deh bisa berpikir cerdas kyk orang2 di CSI itu. biologi bisa, kimia bisa, fisika juga bisa (IPA bgt ga sih?) trs rangkap jd semacam detektif juga kan? kalo satu kasus bisa terpecahkan kan ada kepuasan tersendiri lho. ngomong2 CSI beneran ada ga sih disana? (maaf nggak tau) kalo di Indonesia ada ga ya? mestinya kalo ada, kasus2 jaman dulu kyk Munir dll udh terpecahkan dari kapan tau deh

2. traveller/ahli bahasa atau budaya/kerja di KBRI
apapun yg berkaitan sm budaya luar deh. bukannya gw ga suka sm negeri sendiri atau ga betah ya, tp belajar budaya asing buat gw menyenangkan. pengennya sih belajar bahasa Rusia (soalnya ktnya susah) atau Korea (cause I'm a K-Geek haha) atau Latin (bnyk dipake mungkin?). sebenernya sih kata org2 yg bakal bnyk dipake bahasa Mandarin, cumaaaan berhubung pas SMP bahasa Mandarin masuk ke pelajaran jd ga lagi2 deh haha susah booo! dan gw jg ga tertarik bgt sm budaya Cina (hehe maaf ya)
kalo mau jd traveller, Discovery Travel and Living itu salah satu alasan gw. ga usah jalan2 yg luxurious jg gpp, ala backpackers boleh dicoba jg tuh, mudah2an aja gw tahan haha.
kerja di KBRI gara2 pengalaman nenek gw. seru jg ya rasanya kyk punya rumah kedua di luar Indonesia. tp nggak bagusnya nenek gw, begitu udh lama ga tinggal di luar lagi (nenek gw di KBRI Perancis berpuluh2 tahun) kerjaannya jelek2in Indonesiaaaa terus, nggak bosen2. ya orang Indonesia ginilah, gitulah, "kalo disana nggak ada tuh kyk gini2", dst. pdhl kan sendirinya orang Indonesia haha gmn sih

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

heeey it's been a long time since the last update! dari kmrn gw lg keranjingan Polyvore (maklum baru bikin hehe) berasa berduit deh gw, kesannya pas ngesave2 items kyk ngebeli :p

kmrn gw baru nonton Night at The Museum 2. lumayanlah lucu, dibanding yg pertama. enath knp pas gw nonton yg pertama gw boseeeeen bgt, atau selera humor rendah mungkin? haha soalnya kmrn jg pas nonton gw sering ketawa di bagian kebnykan orang ga ketawa. banyak karakter2 yg lucu kyk Einstein bobbleheads, si monyet capuchin Able, 3 singing angels (oh the name is cherub!and they're actually voiced by Jonas brothers haha so that's why they're so cheesy), sama balon anjing gede yg suka lari2 di background. oh i wish i have the images of it! you should go watch for yourself, it's a good all-age movie.

UAS sebentar lagi! kelas 3 udah di dpn mata nih. dulu aja giliran masih kelas 1 pgnnya cepet2 kelas 3, sekarang pas udh mau kelas 3 malah nggak mauuuu. please please please wish my luck!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

boom boom pow!

buat yg tinggal di Jakarta merasa serem nggak sih barusan sm gledek yg non-stop gitu? baru kali ini lho gw ngalamin sampe yg se-ekstrim itu. sampe td sempet mikir yg nggak2 (astaghfirullah jgn sampeeee...) pas gledek yg paling kenceng gw lg mati2in stop kontak komputer lg, takut kesetruuum. td aja eyang gw mau ngelongo2 ke teras belakang rmh gw marahin, takut dia kesamber tiba2 haha. mendingan ujan gede tanpa petir seharian deh drpd kejaidannya kyk tadi. untuuuung aja nggak lama, jd bisa nyalain komputer lg deh :p

lagunya Black Eyed Peas yg Boom Boom Pow lg terngiang2 nih di kepala, gara2nya td temen seperhiphopan gw, Okky, yg ngasih tau. coba mereka dateng ke Indonesia lg, pasti gw bela2in nonton deh. nyesel dulu pas mereka kesini ga nonton, jiwa gw blm sehip-hop skrg sih haha.

gw baru hari selasa kmrn nonton Slumdog Millionaire lho (telat ya haha) nontonnya di sekolah lg pas pelajaran bhs Inggris. I admit it, this movie really deserves all the Oscars they've got. ceritanya bagus, enjoyable sm bnyk memorable scenes. kyk waktu si Jamal kecil bela2in terjun ke bawah WC cuma mau ketemu si Amitabh Bachan hahaha jijik deh tp lucu abis (kid Jamal is sooooo cute!) sayangnya pas waktu nonton gw sempet tidur bentar, pas bagian akhir baru serius nontonnya. abis nontonnya pas pelajaran terakhir siiih jdnya ngantuk deh. kapan2 gw mau nonton ulang lg ah.

GRRRRRRRREAT NEWS! PCD is coming to Jakarta! ayo Monik waktunya nabung ;)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We'll miss you Dimas...

Temen SD gw, Dimas Rezmaliki meninggal dunia kemarin malem krn sakit demam berdarah. sampe skrg gw masih ga percaya kalo Dimas udah ga ada. beritanya mendadak bgt dan bbrp bulan yg lalu gw masih ketemu sm dia, masih sehat & cerialah kyk Dimas yg biasa.

jadi ceritanya td pagi Misykah, temen sebangku gw, lg buka Facebook di hp. trs di home page ada 1 bagian dr wall-to-wall temen SD gw Rere & Derin, seinget gw ada tulisan begini "Dimas udah ga ada". gw kaget dong, Dimas siapa? masa sih Dimas temen SD? gw bingung soalnya pas SD yg namanya Dimas ada 2 org. pas buka profilenya Derin ternyata itu Dimas Rezmaliki. meskipun gw blm tau pasti gmn beritanya sm msh blm percaya, gw langsung nangis.

siangnya gw di-sms Maureen tmn SD gw, dia nanya udh tau blm kalo Dimas udh ga ada. dlm hati gw, ya ampun ini beneran ya? gw bener2 ga percaya. katanya Dimas udh dimakamin di Tanah Kusir abis dzuhur. gw pgn ngelayat tp ga bisa. pdhl katanya Gilang, temen SD yg skrg satu sekolah sm gw, td siang izin keluar sekolah krn mau ngelayat. tau gitu gw ikut aja :(

banyak bgt deh hal2 ttg Dimas yg bikin gw selalu inget masa2 SD. dia dulu seriiiiiiiiiing bgt diejekin Dimas bencong, emang sih dia agak begitu orgnya hehe, tp dia cuek2 aja tuh diejekin begitu. trs dulu dia sering nyanyi2 lagu Barbie ga jelas sambil teriak2. yg paling gw inget dulu pas Vina ulang taun kita rame2 ke Dufan, sm Dimas juga. pas naik Kicir-kicir dia teriak2 "mamaaaaa gw belom kawiiiiiin", aduh malu2in bgt deh haha. trs pas naik Ombang-ombang kan dia difoto tuh, tp saking itemnya sampe rada ga keliatan si Dimas. aduh emang Dimas tuh ada2 aja deh.

pokoknya Dimas itu orangnya baik deh. gw pasti bakal kangeeeeen bgt sm dia. semoga arwah lo diterima di sisi Allah SWT ya. semoga dosa2 lo diampuni juga dan dilapangkan jalannya. maafin gw ya kalo banyak salah sm lo. selamat jalan Dimas... we'll miss you :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

random post

barusan gw nyoba sign in tp pas masukin password ga bisa2, ternyata caps lock gw nyala haha bodoh deh. besok masuk sekolah lhoooo, ada remed matematika limit sm pr fisika lg :( td sih gw udh belajar sm guru les, mudah2an bisa ya (amin!) skrg udh jam 22.38 tp pr fisika gw blm disalin rapi, aduh malesnyaaaa!

gw baru sadar ternyata belajar fisika itu jauh lbh menyenangkan drpd matematika ya. pas belajar matematika ngantuuuuk bgt, rasanya pgn cepet2 udahan belajarnya. tp pas fisika mulai agak melek, kyk tertarik gitu hehe.

oh iya, liburan ini gw udah nonton 2 film lagi, Let The Right One In sama My Neighbour Totoro. LTROI sih bagus, gw nggak nyangka gw bisa ga ngantuk nonton film begitu. ceritanya sadis, pemeran utamanya anak2 tp film ini bukan buat anak2 ya hehe. sesuai kata review2 orang deh, filmya bagus! perasaan gw sama kyk waktu nonton The Orphanage pas nonton film ini, merinding2 kagum gimanaaa gitu dan dua2nya bukan film Hollywood lho. kalo My Neighbour Totoro itu film kartun Jepang, yg bikin Studio Ghibli (itu lho yg bikin Spirited Away) filmnya lucu banget, buat anak-anak sih tp selera gw. gemes deh pasti sm si Totoronya yg lucu&gembul sm bus kucing yg nyengirnya gede haha. tonton aja dua2nya di YT, ada subtitlenya lg ;)

update: I just got a new i-pod! yaaaay! msh sibuk ngurusin i-tunesnya tp males masukin lagunya hehe. my i-pod will be filled by maaaany k-pop songs haha they're good for mood booster. enaknya masukin film apa ya?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

definitely worth to wait!

I've just seen the trailer for My Sister's Keeper and it looks really nice, I hope it's gonna be as good as the book. the book itself has great ending, so unexpected. also I don't know why alot of people doubt Cameron Diaz who taken the role of the mother, I think she'd do well. the movie's out on June 26th, I'll definitely watch it :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

princessa on ice

just stop by at Djafri's blog, seriously, the picture in his recent post shocked me! and right now, I'm home alone, my family's going to Bandung & Hongkong :( so I guess I'll ask Bik Icoh to sleep in my room hehe.

by the way, last night I watched Disney On Ice : Princess Wishes with my friend. some parts are good, some parts are just bleh. Snow White used to be my favorite Disney princesses story, but I change my mind. Last night's Aladdin performance was awesome. when the song A Whole New World played, I nearly cried. I decided that Aladdin's my favorite now :)

actually there're alot of interesting stuffs about the show, like:
  • 2 out of 7 princes fell during performance, poor them :(
  • Tinkerbell's appearance was so not important at all
  • Maleficent's entrance was scaaaary! she's the scariest Disney villain ever
  • acrobatic acts by Prince Eric's ship crew totally wow-ed the audience
  • over-all Mulan's performance was BLEH. especially the story
  • on Beauty and The Beast part, The Beast didn't show up. what about Belle's wish when there's no Beast?
  • the mermaids costume are hilarious, they wore pants with attached fins so they'll look like real mermaids haha
  • the dragon in Sleeping Beauty's part were shown! but not as scary as the original cause it has neon pink&green streaks on its body
  • I think it'll be nice if they added Pocahontas too
  • best costume goes to Cinderella's ball and Mickey+Minnie closing
  • best performance? ofcourse it's Aladdin! even if it's the opening act but it's stuck on my head til the show's over
altough there're alot of things that disappoint me in every 'this kinda' Disney show, I'll always watch it in the next few years. Disney is still the best in my kind of entertainment.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

no significant updates from Big Bang nowadays. but at least these pictures still make my day! :)

A flibbertijibbet! A will-o'-the wisp! A clown!

kemarin gw nonton Sound of Music lagi. jd keinget dulu kalo nonton film ini pake laser disc yg segede gaban haha. sekarang pake dvd, udah gitu ada english subtitlenya lg, jd lebih ngerti ceritanya. the songs still stuck on my head and gave me those feel-good feelings. I love it!

Monday, April 13, 2009


minggu lalu gw nonton banyak film thriller berturut2: Return To House on Haunted Hill, Vacancy, Wind Chill, Quarantine sm Knowing. and here's what I think about those movies:

Return To The House on Haunted Hill efek? abal. cerita? biasa. serem? nggak. ga usah nonton juga gpp
Vacancy lumayan teganglah. there're some stupid moments you usually see in a horror/thriller movie. endingnya? udah gitu aja?
Wind Chill selama nonton film ini ekspresi gw dataaaaaar, paling kaget dikit2. endingnya? sama kyk Vacancy, udah nih gitu aja?
Quarantine awal2nya agak boring, tengah2 mulai heboh nontonnya (bareng temen2 sih soalnya hehe) bolehlah, seru kok. endingnya? lagi2, udah gitu aja? di trailernya pun udh muncul adegannya (sori spoiler :p)
Knowing awal sampe tengah agak akhir film seru, bikin nebak2 sebenernya itu siapa sih? kok bisa? blablabla. tp endingnyaaa...nggak banget deh,meskipun gw sm Yola sampe nangis (hehe) tp tetep aja, knp endingnya harus gitu coba?

berhubung First Media lg bocor, gw jd sering nonton channel yg isinya film2. minggu lalu gw nonton True Blood di Cinemax, film seri ttg vampir2 gitu, tp buat dewasa. ceritanya di Amerika lg diperjuangin hak2 buat vampir, mereka hidupnya satu dunia sm manusia biasa, nggak sembunyi2. nah ada satu cewe namanya Sookie, dia itu waitress di bar yg punya ability buat baca pikiran orang. suatu malem di bar tempat dia kerja, ada vampir yg dateng kesitu. si Sookie tertarik bgt sm dia soalnya dia nggak bisa baca pikiran si vampir, Bill.

yah walaupun bnyk hal2 berbau 'sex' disitu yg bikin eww tp seru banget. beda jauh deeeh sm Twilight (pdhl blm nonton) yg jd tokoh utama/'Edward'nya disitu okeeeee banget, Edward Cullen mah kalaaah haha. nonton deh tiap malem jumat di Cinemax!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I just got a sudden call from my little cousin, "Hurry hurry! Check the tv! All the HBOs channel worked! We can watch it!". Sooo I check my tv and indeed it all worked! what's wrong with First Media? are they giving us free trial or the network got errored by this afternoon's bad weather? I told my 'bude' too, she's happy "We can watch movies everyday!". Ah emang dasar couch potato family deh hahaha

Oh iya, gw lg pengen nonton film vampir2 Swedia gt judulnya Let The Right One In. kira2 di Poinsquare udh ada dvdnya blom ya? sm gw baru liat mau ada film baru judulnya Where The Wild Things Are.

Lucu ya posternya? kyknya sih filmnya tipe2 Bridge To Terabithia gitu. gw suka deh, warnanya kyk musim gugur gitu (emang filmnya keluar pas fall). lumayanlah buat ditunggu bulan2 depan hehe

akhir2 ini gw mulai kepikiran nih pgn belajar main piano lg, nyeseeel bgt deh dulu berhenti les :(
jd tadi gw nyoba2 sendiri deh. aduh tangannya msh kagok bgt, udah kelamaan ga main piano juga sih. doain ya supaya gw rajin latian terus!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I just love this pic. makes me feel totally there're pandas! cute fat pandas!

my current addiction...

aaaah I feel so guilty! again, my Korean mode is totally on. it's a (hmm what should I call it? hiphop music group? cause they're definitely not a boyband like the others!) Korean group named Big Bang. and I just love the man on the far left, his name is G-Dragon (btw, his real name is Kwon Ji-Yong haha). he's the leader (yeah, the leader) and the rapper of this group. don't know why, but his smile just melts me hehehe :D what I hate the most about Korean music is the catchy tune & dance moves (plus cool sneakers, I wanna have'em aaaaaall so bad). it just keeps replaying in my head. oh gosh Monik please stop this already!

hello again!

wow udh lama ya ga nge-post lg haha. minggu2 lalu bener2 hectic bgt buat gue. ya Java Jazzlah, ya nonton SkyBattle, ya UTS, ya ulang taun Fitria, dll. hmm mau gw review satu2 ah!

Java Jazz- my first time going there, and it's soooo bad! too crowded, waste too much time on Brian McKnight, etc etc. dr yg gue denger & liat emg kata orang2 "the worst Java Jazz". yeah I think it's true. I say: blame it on Axis! (sorry :p)

SkyBattle- well, what can I say? I enjoyed it much more than Java Jazz. Soul ID seru bgt, Twentyfirst Night juga (gw sm Yola dpt stik drumnya lhooo lumayanlah cuma sebelah doang haha). and the freestyle basketball with some hiphop music, aaah ga nahan ga nahan, coba Okky ikut juga :( overall, SkyBattle really entertained me. thank youuuu panitia!

Ulangan Tengah Semester- baru kali ini gw bener2 sangat ga serius nanggepin UTS. nilainya....
so-so-lah. matematika sih bener2 udh mencapai 'limit' gue bgt,jd ga heranlah dpt segitu haha. as for kimia? kyknya sih nilainya blm keluar, I bet mine will be below 50.
about my chairmate? she's just soooo...strange? dg penampilan kyk gitu, suaranya imut2 (haha). she stared at me alot! and that really bugs me! it's scary :B and that time when she got shocked by the sudden announcement on the speaker was just hilarious! oh and then when she ate lollipop during test. I super hate it when someone ate something and her/his mouth makes that slurpy or sucky noise, ickh that disgust me! hehe sorry my chairmate :)

Fitria's Birthday!- my dear Bengkulu friend has just turned 15! (yeah, 15, I felt so old) pertama2 kita ucapin di sekolah spt biasa, tp Fitria udh keliatan agak kecewa gitu soalnya ga dikasih surprise apa2 hehe. sorenya, kita ke Ace Hardware buat beli kado (kadonya tinju2an gitu+sarungnya,lucu abis) trs ke Parish buat ambil pesenan kue, kita hias sendiri dikit. sempet juga nonton Death Bell (film serem Korea) bentar di mobilnya Mentari (mau lanjutin dong maaam, lg seru tuh). yg tdnya mau kasih surprise ke rmhnya Fitria, jdnya malah ke Tamani Melawai. jdlah surprisenyaaaaa! duh ga enaknya kita malah jd ditraktir makan malem sm keluarganya Fitria, makasih banyak ya Om, Tante & Fitria! it was a fun night!

td juga gw sempet ke Bandung pulang-pergi, lumayanlah drpd bengong di rumah. yg sangat amat paling banget disayangkan, gue ga jd nonton N.E.R.D! pengeluaran udh bnyk booo akhir2 ini, bokek gue :( ayoooo Monik rajin nabung! inget nabung!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Nicknames Game!

1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car)
Temi Trajet
(Temi was my black cat by the way,the name is weird haha)

2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie)
Mint-chocolate-chip Oreo
(oh so yummy!)

3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name)
(lucu lucu :D)

4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)
Brown Panda
(aaah too cute!)

5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)
Wulandari Jakarta
(I have no middle name so I use my last name, but still,it's weird)

6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first)

(a new character for Star Wars maybe? female-wolf mixture? haha)

7. SUPERHERO NAME: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink)
The Grey Coffee

(I can't imagine the costume)

8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers)
Sorry, I don't know my grandfathers' names

9. STRIPPER NAME: ( the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy)
Nina gummy bear
(hahaha boleh)

10.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names )
Surini Rusdi
(kurang, kurang)

11. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter)
Farikhi Frankfurt

12. SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday, flower)
Spring Sunflower
(hippie bgt deh namanya)

13. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”)
Apple Dasterie

14. HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree)
Rice Willow
(sounds like an old man's name)

15. YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: (”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”)
The Karaoke Flower Bloom Tour
(again, it's sooo hippie)

you should try it too, it's fun! ;)

I know that this is not a good combination, but a nice cup of hot mint chocolate and steamy noodles would be really nice for my headache :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gw baru aja liat2 blog orang (lbh tepatnya temen seangkatan Saptraka sih) trs di blognya Amez ada link buat personality quiz gitu (sebenernya dari blognya Dede) ,gw isi deh (btw, i love taking personality quizzes cause some of them are really accurate hehe) and here's the result!

1. Your view on yourself:

You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

2. The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

3. Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

4. The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

5. Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

6. The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

7. How do you view success:

Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.

8. What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

9. Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

my comments:
1. no comment haha alhamdulillah deh kalo gw beneran kyk gitu
3. -
4. haha
5. amin amiiin! semoga gw rajin
6. setuju baaaaanget
7. what a smart quiz! :D
8. *props!*
9. bolehlaaah

Oh iya! akhirnya sdh diputuskan, gw ke Java Jazz yg hari minggu+nonton special show Brian McKnight. and it's aaaaaall thanks to my dear friend & 'daughter', Ms. Okky Nafiriana (also her Bapi, it's her dad by the way, she calls him in that way) thank you soooo much!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The cutest thing!!!

I love cute little kids! and this one is just too adorable. His name is Mason Moon. His dad is a Canadian, his mom is a Korean. I first saw him when i watched a movie called Baby and Me (yeah, it's a Korean movie) he's soooooo cute! I just found out that he's so photogenic. I searched on Facebook and I found his page, there're lots of photos of him. aaah I just can't resist his cuteness! more photos below :)

I want a little brother right now! :p

Java Jazz oh Java Jazz

binguuuuuuung! setelah musibah minggu lalu (uang 700ribu gw lenyap tanpa sisa, tersangka utama:pembantu gw yg baru kerja bbrp bulan) gw jd merasa sangat bokek haha. tdnya udah gw rancang2 buat beli baju, konser2 atau pengeluaran tak terduga apapunlah. ah jadi kesel deh kalo inget! hehe.

2 hari lagi udah Java Jazz aja. gw blm pernah lhooo ke Java Jazz, makanya gw pengen taun ini jd yg pertama kalinya. sebenernya ga enak sih mintanya, apalagi taun lalu udah nonton Alicia Keys (which costs 900ribu, but it's really worth it) dan bulan depan ada Disney On Ice (lagi!) dan katanya Jamiroquai mau kesini (aaaah pengen!). aduh kenapa sih rencana pengeluarannya jd bertumpuk gini! mudah2an dibolehin yaaa.

nah, kalo insyaallah jadi, gw bingung antara hari sabtu apa minggu. ini bbrp artis2nya
sabtu: Soulvibe, Ecoutez, RAN, 21st Night, Glenn Fredly
minggu: Tompi, Maliq, Ecoutez (lagi)

enakan hari apa ya? maunya sih 2 hari tp nggak yakin bisa deh haha. kalo ada yg punya tiket gratisan kasih gw dong :D

First post!

Well, hello! This is my first post in my first real blog. I've made one back then in Friendster (wow that was a looong time ago, now it's Facebook era haha) Hmm I'm not good at telling stories, arranging words and make them enjoyable to read. My english also is sooo all over the place. Maybe I can practice my english by writing posts. Oh I won't completely use english on posts, it's just to hard :D so it'll be a mixture of english and indonesian. I'll write about some 'important' things that goes through my mind, maybe some of it will make you go 'What?', cause it'll be some ridiculous stuffs. FYI: I have a veeeery low sense of humor. So enjoy! or just read it with a so-called blank expression haha. Cheers!